New & Favorites
This is a collection of some of our very favorite products along with the new items in our store. You won't go wrong with any of these choices. Best sellers, great gift items, kitchen staples, delicious seasonal favorites, and more...they're all here! Click the categories below to see which products our customers love the most!

About US Wellness Meats
US Wellness Meats was founded in 2000 in Monticello, Missouri (pop. 98) by visionary farmers, who saw that big-business cattle-raising practices were taking a toll on our animals and our health. By returning to rotational grazing practices that are good for the planet and good for our cattle, we led the way in introducing a new generation to the unmatched taste, tenderness, and healthiness of grass-fed beef.
New & Favorites
This is a collection of some of our very favorite products along with the new items in our store. You won't go wrong with any of these choices. Best sellers, great gift items, kitchen staples, delicious seasonal favorites, and more...they're all here! Click the categories below to see which products our customers love the most!
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